Title : Comparison between scores of paper-based and computer-based examination results.

     Researchers : Amalia Sapriati, Amalia Kusuma Wardini, Olivia Idrus


     Title : Consortium Building - The Power of Strategic Alliance

     Researchers : Janet Paterson-Weir, Tricia Donovan


     Title : Continuous Improvement in Learning and Examination Materials through Internal Audit:
                UT’s Experiences

     Researchers : Siti Julaeha, Yos Sudarso


     Title : Development of training in entrepreneurship skills for use in formal and non-formal
                educational settings

     Researchers : Jos Rikers, Judith Pete, Henk van den Brink


     Title : Interactive Distance Learning for Rural and Regional Australia and the South Pacific

     Researchers : Stephen Crump


     Title : Key performance indicators in formulating strategic planning at Universitas Terbuka,

     Researchers : Susy Puspitasari, diki diki


     Title : Liberal Arts Education at Open and Distance Learning Institutions: What Does It Matter?

     Researchers : Atsushi Iguchi


     Title : Metaevaluating distance education program evaluations on a national level

     Researchers : Juan Jose Melendez


     Title : ODL and International Cooperation Towards the Development of a Structured University
                Communication Strategy Throughout Algeria

     Researchers : Ilaria Mascitti, Veronique de Schutter, Michele Mannini, Rosemary Navarrete-Poretti


     Title : Open and distance learning at the Orinoqu?a and Amazonia regions of Colombia (1983-2000)

     Researchers : wilson ladino orjuela


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