Page 44 - การเขียนบทความวิจัยภาษาอังกฤษอย่างมืออาชีพ
P. 44
Importance of the topic
(with citations)
Research gap
(possibly with citations)
English is an international language and thus the ability to
Exponential growth impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
communicate in English is crucial in all aspects of our lives.
world scenario, preventive measures and drug
Successful English communication consists of a number of The study being
preferences presented
language skills including vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation.
Kanoksilapatham (2018) maintains that clear and accurate
pronunciation contributes to effective communication. However, as
opposed to other language skills, English pronunciation has received
relatively minimal attention in English curricula (xxxxxx, 2020). Thus,
this study aims to examine Thai learners’ English pronunciation ……