Page 37 - การวิจัยเชิงนวัตกรรมทางสังคมศาสตร์และการออกแบบและพัฒนาข้อเสนอโครงการวิจัย
P. 37

How to write research proposal

          Research Methology (Scientific Methods)

          ⚫ This is a research and development process.  There are 3 phases.

          ⚫ Research Objective I

          ⚫ Phase I Data collection when exploring local wisdom knowledge

          ⚫ - Qualitative Research Methodology (5-10 pages)

          ⚫ -- What/where/when/who-were the key informants and group participants, and how
               many of them?/how primary data collection process

          ⚫ -- Data Triangulation Method (FGD, In-depth/Observation, Time, Place-where, Persons-


          ⚫ -- documentary research
          ⚫ Phase I Measuring Quality of Fiber from Local Material

          ⚫ - Experimental Research Design (3-5 pages) how many trials?/statistics methods

          ⚫ -- What (Material) Where/How (Method or Technique)/Why/Indicators

          ⚫ Phase I Stakeholders’ Perception and Attitude Towards to Landscape Development (3-

               15) who-recruitment Criteria/number of persons/sampling method-purposive sampling
          ⚫ - Quantitative Research (Using Questionnaire/Index of congruence(IOC)/Reliability

               examination/statistics methods/mean/mode/median/s.d.), Qualitative Research, Mixed
               methodology (Quantitative Method + Qualitative Method)

          ⚫ What/Where/Why/Who/How/Indicators
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