Title : The solidarity and cooperation initiative of the Open University of Catalonia

     Researchers : Eduard Vinyamata


     Title : The Use Open Educational Resources (OERs) to support the Quality of Learning Teachers

     Researchers : Heni Safitri


     Title : The winds of change and the implementation of elearning at the University of Botswana

     Researchers : Regina Masalela


     Title : Transformational change required to influence learning design for open and distance

     Researchers : Cherry Stewart


     Title : Using web 2.0 for fostering students’ creativity and upporting diversity in online courses:
                Strategies and practices

     Researchers : Gila Kurtz, Barry Sponder, Fredric M. Litto, Jun Oshima


     Title : Video Conference Based Courses: A Lesson Learned from UI

     Researchers : Gatot F Hertono


     Title : Virtual Teaching Clinic to Sharpen Teachers’ Problem-Solving Capabilities: A Case in
                Universitas Terbuka (UT)

     Researchers : Andayani Andayani, Dodi Sukmayadi, Suryo Prabowo


     Title : VirtualPREX: open and distance learning for pre-service teachers

     Researchers : Sue Gregory, Rosalind James

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