Title : Dialogue and connectivism: A new approach to understanding and promoting
                dialogue-rich networked learning a support to

     Researchers : Andrew Ravenscroft


     Title : Dwell in possibility: PLAR and e-portfolios in the age of information and communication

     Researchers : Judith O. Brown


     Title : Educating the citizen of academia online?’

     Researchers : Mariann Solberg


     Title : Embodied and embedded theory in practice: The student-owned learning-engagement
                (SOLE) model

     Researchers : Simon Paul Atkinson


     Title : Emergent, self-directed, and self-organized learning: Literacy, numeracy, and the iPod Touch

     Researchers : Carlo Antonio Ricci


     Title : Emotional presence, learning, and the online learning environment

     Researchers : Marti Cleveland-Innes, Prisca Campbell


     Title : “Everybody is their own island”: Teacher disconnection in a virtual school

     Researchers : Abigail Hawkins, Michael K Barbour, Charles R Graham


     Title : Examining interactivity in synchronous virtual classrooms

     Researchers : Florence Martin, Michele A Parker, Deborah F Deale


     Title : Examining motivation in online distance learning environments: Complex, multifaceted
                and situation-dependent

     Researchers : Maggie Hartnett, Alison St. George, Jon Dron


     Title : Exploring learner to content interaction as a success factor in online courses

     Researchers : Tekeisha Denise Zimmerman


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